Phil Borges, has been documenting indigenous cultures and striving to create an understanding of the challenges they face. Is it a ‘calling’ to grow or just a ‘broken brain’? The documentary CRAZYWISE explores what can be learned from people around the world who have turned their psychological crisis into a positive transformative experience.' Exploring alternatives to psychosis, from 2014 as Crazywise was nearing completion, Phil and Joel talk of spirituality, shamanism and healing Phil and Joel talk about the gifted (i.e., those who exhibit Shamanic potentic through hearing voices and visions) and their relation to mental health distress, our Western cultures treatment, and the traditional or indiginous view of these markers as a sensitivity and gift. 'Crazy…or wise? The traditional wisdom of indigenous cultures often contradicts modern views about a mental health crisis. Check out their offerings at amberlightint. He hosts his own p o dcast, Alchemical Dialogues, through Amber Light. Though the m ystical emphasis is pr imarily sufi, there are significant elements of other mystical traditions as well, integrated with expl orations in psycholog y, philosophy, science, and medicine to help us understand and better direct our evolution.

He and his partner Ka thleen formed A m be r Light International, a non-pro fit vehicle through w hich they teach, guide, offe r retreats, works hops and classes revolving around mystic ism and h u manism. W e are now in an era of collaboration and mutual enrichment rather than exclusion, possessiveness, and top-down paternalistic approaches. E ach of us is responsible for creating our own con nection with a p ower greater than o urselves and with each other. Henry feels it is important now to inte grate what each person finds useful from whatever traditions to which they a re exposed as long as this is done respectfully and holistically. He spent close to 20 years intens ively s tudying and teaching in the univ ersal sufi tradit ion of t he I ndian m ys tic, Inayt Khan, becoming a se nior teacher be fore deciding to pur su e his interests indepen d ent of any organiza tion. in mind-bod y medicine an d incorporated this into his psychiatric teaching. In addition to a traditional psychiatric practice, he also trained with James Gord on, M.D. Henry Cretella is a retired ps ychia trist and an active spiritual guide and teacher. As a lifelong student of humanism and seeking the freedom many traditions and paths of spirituality offer, Henry and Joel explore the universal aspects of the different paths in our shared human experience.
Nebula with amberlight how to#
Also talked about were the development of Amber Light International and Alchemical Dialogues and the classes and impact they offer, how to manifest through study of desire, wish, and will, connecting to community and the connection to the Universal practices found in Sufism, including life's teachings and lessons personal to Henry. While walking, rustling leaves, Henry and Joel explore synchronicities, his guides and teachers, lessons, and opening to deepening his human experience, beyond his life as a successful Psychiatrist.

In this walk and spontanous talk through a local neighborhood and nearby meadow in Rochester, NY, Henry and Joel discuss Henry's path and development in spirituality, syncretism, Indiginous teachings, studying shamanism, forces in Nature, Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism, and what called him to his path.